Hi Team
Thank you for your good work! I’m now working on a project that is gonna be under the new danish CO2-regulation from 2025, which includes A4-A5.
In regards to Waste
I can see that it’s possible to enter a waste percentage for all materials, which is handy in the earlier stages. But when handing in the final LCA, we need to document waste on a material basis, based on the information sent by the contractors. Is it in the roadmap to include a possibility to specify waste amounts for each material in the project? The layout could be similar to Transport Mapping
. I think that would be sufficient 
Hi @MarkLabrosse
Yes, we acknowledge that this should be further developed and is something on the roadmap for finalizing the support of Denmark 2025 regulations.
Do you believe that it would sufficient that the materials was grouped by Classification, ie. the different levels in the project breakdown? This will give the option to gradually breakdown the precision of the wastage?
I am just afraid of the task to adjust wastage-% on the material level.
Let me see if I understand. Are you suggesting to add a feature that allows us to decide the waste-percentage based on the classification (method 1) rather than doing it pr. materiel pr. construction (method 2)?
Method 1
Method 2
I actually don’t think that method 1 would align with that coming update in the building code. I haven’t seen the new text for the building code yet, so I don’t know how it is defined.
I think that it needs to be on a material level. Mapping for each Type
like in method 2 would work (this would be the same approach as LCAbyg). I also think that making a Waste Mapping
tab, like in method 3 would work - but it would be good to get more user opinions on this suggestion.
Method 3