Mapping for report (Danish standard)

Currently existing workflow of mapping materials with BIMTypeCode in Revit to get RTLCA danish report - doesn’t work.
We are unable to map (groups of) materials in Revit, unless we change the way we work in Revit - but that is not happening just for RTLCA sake.

Suggestion to have the ability in RTLCA to map the materials acc. danish standardformat.
I want to select material (or multiple) and add it to Category/Type/Bygningsdel/Konstruktion.

No BIMTypeCode needed as such.
Evt. RTLCA could make suggestions or Auto-mapping feature for this.

Hi Julian,

I’m just going to loop in @martinromby on this one. :wink:

Best regards,

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Follow up: It is now possible to map the materials with “BIMTypeCode” under Materials. However it is not possible under Constructions.
Would this be easy to implement?

Also, it is extremely time consuming to do it for each material - would it be possible to do a batch at a time?

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I can see it is possible to do an Excel upload with RTLCA template.

Would it be possible to download existing data in the same format, so it can be reuploaded with modifications in classification?

We are also talking about the same issue at our office. It seems funny, that we need to spent so much time on something that doesn’t have any influence on the LCA results :sweat_smile: Especially given that the standardformat for LCA-documentation in BR18 is optional.

Would it be possible to add all unclassified materials under some generic category, so that you don’t have to classify everything manually to create a report? Having a category in the report called “No classification code” is sufficient.

For those who would still want to use the classification, it would be nice, if you could click on the material type (rather than the material instance) and add a classification

In the same way, it would be nice to be able to do the same on building component type level. Then you have the general classifications, and you can add sub-classifications to materials as needed afterwards.

It would also be nice to have an easy way to see, whether a material/type has been classified yet.