I am trying to understand the logic behind the units for building component types
in RTLCA. I’ve tried rewatching all the tutorial videos but they do not touch this subject.
I just created a new floor from scratch of 134m2. The floor should include concrete and a reinforcing mesh. I manually added to new materials:
- 134m2 concrete
- 134m2 Reinforcing steel
I then found materials from the library that match what I needed.
For the concrete, the material in the library is declared in m3. Does that mean that I have to enter m3/m2 (meaning the thickness of the slab), or am I asked to enter the m3? Entering the thickness would definitely make most sense.
The same is the case for the reinforcing mesh. I’m I being prompted to enter kg og kg/m2. If the answer is kg, what influence does the m2 I’ve already made have on the results?
The construction engineers usually just declares kg/m2 to us, so that would be the most logic unit in this case.