RTLCA 2.0 Released!

Hi @Community :wave:

Today we are excited to release version 2.0 of our platform.
We made this video that shows some of the key features in the release.
RTLCA 2.0 Release video

Here is a list of what we are realising.


  • Construction Library
    Now you can create constructions and use them to compare and add them to your project.
    Instructional video

  • Favourite projects
    You can now mark you projects as favourite, which makes them easy to find afterwards.

  • Better insights
    We have add lifetime and the applied material as information in the breakdown table. Also you can now dive into the data all the way from constructions to the applied materials and their EPD’s.

  • Data quality
    We have updated the underlaying data model so that we start to have versions of materials, which makes it possible for us to update materials in the platform.


  • Improved stability and performance throughout the platform.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where it wasn’t possible to input a negative number into the electricity consumption.
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