Customer Story: Innovater

:herb:Perhaps one of the first projects in Denmark which has delivered climate documentation in accordance with §298 of the new building regulations? A visionary builder takes the lead and skilled advisers deliver! :earth_africa::building_construction:

Innovater A/S was among the very first to see value in our vision when it was just drawings and plans :raised_hands: Anchored by Mahad Farah, which ambitiously develops projects with people, sustainability and the local environment at the center - great respect for the dedicated and competent efforts always :raised_hands:

The project, a shop building of approx. 1,200 m2, has obtained building permission in 2023 and must therefore comply with the new requirements in the building regulations with a limit value for emissions of a maximum of 12 kg CO2/m2 annually. From the very early stages, Gaiup - Real-Time LCA was used to understand and make informed choices about sustainability and finally for documentation according to building regulations.

The process has provided new knowledge about the influence material selection can have, and made it manageable to do LCA as an architect, with good support and quality assurance from the Real-Time LCA team along the way.
:speech_balloon:Mikkel Pedersen, GINNERUPARKITEKTER A/S

The platform gives us the opportunity, across advisers and projects, to work with a uniform, credible and transparent implementation of life cycle analyzes and to settle on directions for projects based on these.
:speech_balloon:Mahad Farah, Innovater A/S

In practice, valuable time and resources have been saved on the LCA process, with sustainability data that is widely applicable and accessible, so that it can continue to be of value beyond the documentation alone.

Many thanks to Innovater A/S, GINNERUPARKITEKTER A/S and Arne Elkjær A/S, and also to all our other customers and users, for the trust that we can contribute to a more digitized and sustainable construction industry :seedling::raised_hands: