Changelog: More Capabilities in Insights View 🔍

Greetings @Community :confetti_ball:

Here’s an overview of what we have been working on lately in week 35 - 39.

Changelog Cycle 30-35_small


  • Drilldown functionality :screwdriver:
    You can now get that in-depth insights with the drilldown functionality. This is enabled in both the Highest Emission by Type and Highest Emission by Material graphs.

  • Project Breakdown :bookmark_tabs:
    We have re-introduced a more flexible and searchable Project Breakdown that breaks down the results for you. All vital information at your fingertips - it even exports to Excel.

  • Inspect Modal :mag:
    To provide even more transparency we have build a new Inspect Modal that gives you a even more in-depth insight in the underlaying data that makes up the results in the Insights View. We have also listened to your request regarding adding a Total in the Colum chart, so it is easier and more convenient.

  • Clone Project :control_knobs:
    You can now clone a full project which makes it easy to do variant studies on a project level, where two identical projects have different projects setting for Stages included or Electricity and Heat Consumption.

  • Added more EPD’s to the Library which was requested by our user. You can do the same here: New Topic for EPDS Requests

    • DELTABEAM® Green Composite Beam, Painted
    • DELTABEAM® Composite Beam, Painted
    • Ytong®-autoclaved aerated concrete
    • ARDEX G4 BASIC, Tile grout 1-6 mm, brilliant white
    • Ventilation strip with wood
    • Knust beton 0-32 mm (KB) & Knust beton og tegl 0-32 mm (KBT)
    • Knust asfalt og beton 0-32 mm (KAB I), Knust asfalt og beton 0-32 mm (KAB II) & Knust asfalt 0-32 mm (KAS)
    • ​Kalkstabiliseret jord
    • Genbrugsmursten Røde/Gule eller patinerede


  • Design of a more welcoming and interactive Insights View when a new project has been created.
  • Improved the solution so that Classifications set in the platform won’t be overwritten if a new version of a model is sent with empty classifications.


  • Fixed an issue where certain Projects weren’t parsed properly and caused that the materials didn’t get through to the platform.
  • Fixed other bugs related stuff :soap:

Additional notes