Changelog: More Capabilities in Insights View 🔍

Greetings @Community :confetti_ball:

Here’s an overview of what we have been working on lately in week 35 - 39.

Changelog Cycle 30-35_small


  • Drilldown functionality :screwdriver:
    You can now get that in-depth insights with the drilldown functionality. This is enabled in both the Highest Emission by Type and Highest Emission by Material graphs.

  • Project Breakdown :bookmark_tabs:
    We have re-introduced a more flexible and searchable Project Breakdown that breaks down the results for you. All vital information at your fingertips - it even exports to Excel.

  • Inspect Modal :mag:
    To provide even more transparency we have build a new Inspect Modal that gives you a even more in-depth insight in the underlaying data that makes up the results in the Insights View. We have also listened to your request regarding adding a Total in the Colum chart, so it is easier and more convenient.

  • Clone Project :control_knobs:
    You can now clone a full project which makes it easy to do variant studies on a project level, where two identical projects have different projects setting for Stages included or Electricity and Heat Consumption.

  • Added more EPD’s to the Library which was requested by our user. You can do the same here: New Topic for EPDS Requests

    • DELTABEAM® Green Composite Beam, Painted
    • DELTABEAM® Composite Beam, Painted
    • Ytong®-autoclaved aerated concrete
    • ARDEX G4 BASIC, Tile grout 1-6 mm, brilliant white
    • Ventilation strip with wood
    • Knust beton 0-32 mm (KB) & Knust beton og tegl 0-32 mm (KBT)
    • Knust asfalt og beton 0-32 mm (KAB I), Knust asfalt og beton 0-32 mm (KAB II) & Knust asfalt 0-32 mm (KAS)
    • ​Kalkstabiliseret jord
    • Genbrugsmursten Røde/Gule eller patinerede


  • Design of a more welcoming and interactive Insights View when a new project has been created.
  • Improved the solution so that Classifications set in the platform won’t be overwritten if a new version of a model is sent with empty classifications.


  • Fixed an issue where certain Projects weren’t parsed properly and caused that the materials didn’t get through to the platform.
  • Fixed other bugs related stuff :soap:

Additional notes


Hi guys

We just talked about two graph types we’re missing

Hotspot by group
In LCAbyg, they have the possibility to sort by group. We believe that this is a good supplement to the Highest Emission Impact by Type and Highest Emission Impact by Material graphs in the Insights tab.

We discussed how this can be solved, as you it is harder to group building component types, as they are imported from Revit. We have two suggestions:

  1. Use the model categories in Revit as sub-groups. You can then sort the sub-groups into the same groups as LCAbyg

  2. Sort groups based on the chosen classification code

Accumulativ emissions
Being able to visualize the emissions over time helps illustrate the importance of choosing constructions that minimize CO2-emissions right now, where we have the big problem