Add a phase to a material

I would like to insert an EPD for “Troldtekt grå Natur - 25 mm umalet”. Is it not possible to insert it even though I haven’t included phase C3?

When I try to put it in, it says: "The material you are trying to map does not include the necessary phases set as Calculation Premequisites in the Project Settings. Please use a different material or add these phases to the material: C3.
How do I add a phase to a material? :slight_smile:

Hi Shansetha
Thank you for your question.

There are some products in the library where the C3 or C4 stages is not delclared. These ones will automatically give you a warning.
We’re working on an option where the building LCA can be enriched with generic data if the stages are not present in the EPD.

Best regards

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