Variance studies

How to do the variance studies? I want to compare 3 different structure systems (Timber, Steel and Concrete) on a part of a building.
I have created new RTLCA project and connected to Existing Stream, but there is no videos or other explanation on how to do the variance studies.
Do I need to create RTLCA project for each variant?

Hi Julian

I would approach this in one of the two different ways.
You can do it project specific, where you make the 3 different projects with the same Speckle stream and then use the Automap function to map the 3 projects. Then change the structural part you want to make the variance study. After that you can compare the results in the project overview.

You can also make the study in one specific project by manually adding the structure (timber, steel and concrete) under the specific type. Then map with the data and insert amount. After that you can turn them off and on to see the impact on the total emissions.

Thanks for you question and I hope the respons is useful,