Adjusted CO2-threshold for constructions with special conditions according to BR18

Hi community

In the danish LCA method in BR18, it is allowed to exceed the national CO2-threshold, if your building has special conditions, such as bad geotechnical properties of the ground, high level of safety (CC3 or higher), etc.

The conditions are explained here or here

Is it possible to adjust the CO2-threshold in RTLCA after correcting for materials/constructions effected by special conditions?

Hi @MarkLabrosse

We don’t have a specific feature developed for this, but you can use the custom calculationtype and adjust the threshold as needed.


I guess we could make a custom excel-spreadsheet that does this manually for now, but doing it manually would be rather time consuming and would make the Emissions Overview graph in the Insights-view obsolete.

I would say that adding this feature is a fairly high priority to make RTLCA compliant with BR18 :thinking: Don’t know, if I’m the only one that feels so :sweat_smile: