Removing models
Project = LCA i byggeriet - AAU eksamensprojekt
Specle Connection


  1. I uncheck “hus-ark_294_boligadskillelse”

  2. Saving

Then it is working on saving, but nothing happends
after an hour I leave the Specle Connection tab and when I goes back “hus-ark_294_boligadskillelse” has checkmark again, because project is not saved.

When going to material

“hus-ark_294_boligadskillelse” is still in the list
How do I remove “hus-ark_294_boligadskillelse” from the list

Another thing:
In Revit, how do I remove the abowe unchecked suggested suggested models from the Branch list?
Below I have added a red arrow to Branches that I dont want to see in the list, because I might by mistake select them

Another thing:
I likethe list to show all Selected models without need for schrolling

Hi Jesper

Correctly, that is a bug ;( It will actually be resolved with our release tomorrow :wink: So try again there.


Hi @Hebsgaard

We’ve pushed a fix for this.
