Materials in library with incorrect data and documentation

During the mapping process I discovered multiple materials in the library having emission data that are much larger than the other comparable materials. Such as ’ Ekspanderet polystyren (EPS)‘, ’ Nedrivning: Kapillarbrydende lag (singels)’ and ’ Exterior door - aluminium’ by Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. The first including the incorrect documentation (named: ‘Bedømmelses seddeler for dessertklubben’). It seems like these were published by mistake.

Could it be possible to add a ‘Report’ button on materials and constructions published in the library, to ensure good quality of data on the platform?


Thanks for reporting this and welcome to our community :wave::tada:

In the platform we have made it possible for the users to create their own materials and construction. You can actively choose to publish them to other organisations in the platform.

The validity of those materials are not being Q&A by us, but you are always able to filter materials created by others than your own and Gaiup organisation away by using the organisation filter.

I will make sure to reach out to Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter making them aware of you findings.
