Feature request: EPD input method

Hi team!

Here is another request, this time concerning layout. When adding an EPD to the database, you are presented with a million life cycle indicators, which are bundled per phase.

My I suggest changing the layout to match the way it is input in all EPD’s? Meaning that you always have the phase on the x-axis and the indicators on the y-axis. The y-axis will admittedly be very long which all the possible indicators there are in the world, but I still think that it would make it much more user-friendly :upside_down_face: :ok_hand:

Hey Mark!

Thanks for your great input, as someone who works a lot with inserting EPD’s into our system, I do agree that it could be more user friendly (although now I’ve gotten so use to the layout that I can almost insert EPD’s blindly :rofl:)

I’m going to forward your input to the DEV team and let’s see what they can do! :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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