Why has my post been hidden?

Hello there, on this website-

Recently, I posted a query on this website

After few minutes, It is showing " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private." I got a notification that left me disappointed :frowning_face: as it shows my content is hidden. I do not know what is the reason behind it but I did not do anything wrong that violate community guideline. As a professional, I respect community guideline and make useful contribution to help community members. As my query is genuine & I really need a quick solution to that and I don’t think there is better platform than this to solve my query.
Kindly have a look at my post and make it live again.
Thank you :pray: for your time and attention to this matter.

Hello :slight_smile:

We are sorry for the inconvenience you experienced. Your post is now live in the community. :raising_hands:

If you have any further questions, let me know.

Kind regards,