New Topic for EPD Requests

Hi Inga

We would like to use the following products on a project. Would it be possible to add them to the Real-Time platform? :slight_smile:

Optimal huldæk:
This one needs to be uploaded for each slab types described in the EPD ( DE/DB 220 mm to ZE 400 mm)

Standard betonvægge C35 (passiv miljøklasse):

Best regards,

Standard betonvægge C20 (passiv miljøklasse):

Hi Inga.
Celina needs one more EPD for her projekt.
Thank you in advance :smiley:
Formstykker 34 _ Murisolering 34 _ EPD.pdf (716.9 KB)

Hey Cecilie :slight_smile:

I have added the following EPD’s into our library:

However there are other EPD’s have not been added since I need to know the EPD Product you need when there are more than 1 product declared in the EPD.

In the Fiber Cement Facade rain screen claddings EPD there are these products:

  • Cembrit Solid
  • Cembrit Cover
  • Swisspearl Patina Original Swisspearl Patina Inline
  • Swisspearl Patina Rough Swisspearl Deco

In the Rockfon Blanka EPD there are these products:

A 20A 25, A 40, E 20, E 25, E 40, B,C,D,G, H,M,Z 20 X 22 D,H,M,X, Z 25 B,C,D,G, Activity 40 Bas dB 35 dB 41 dB 43 dB 46 H25 (Fusion)

In the EPD Family Hygiene EPD there are these products:

  • Clinic A
  • Clinic E
  • Meditec A
  • Meditec E
  • Performance A 20
  • Performance A 40
  • Performance Ds
  • Performance Plus A 20
  • Performance Plus A 40
  • Performance Baffle
  • Performance Wall

Please get back to me with the products your need and i’ll add them as soon as possible! :slight_smile:


Hey Vincent and welcome to the community :tada:!

All the EPDs you requested to be added to the library are already available. If you’re having trouble locating them, you can try using the filter by ‘Owners’ and select 'CRH Concrete A/S.

Inga :slight_smile:

Hey Cecilie

I’ve added the EPD to our library now :slight_smile:

Inga :slight_smile:

EGE Carpets reference this EPD for their Planum 55 Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT). The ones that are available in RTLCA are 6 mm in thickness and twice the weight compared to this one;

Would it be possible to add this one preferably named EGE Planum 55 :slight_smile:

Hi @MirnesT

I’ve reviewed the document, and it declares the following products:

  • Designer’s LVT
  • Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring

EGE Planum 55 is not explicitly listed in that EPD, to ensure we add the correct product for you, should I insert some of those for you? I tried to see if it falls under one of these categories but couldn’t find any information about that :grimacing:


Probably wise not to call it EGE Planum 55, although they do reference this EPD for their product :slight_smile:

As I understand it EGE have two types of LVT; Planum 55 which is 2,5mm and Forte 100 which is 5mm. These have different performance characteristics in terms of sound and durability but should correspond to the LVT 2,5mm and LVT 5mm in the referenced EPD.

Please add the Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring in both 2,5 mm and 5 mm if possible :+1:

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Could you add Södra “Planed timber made of spruce or pine, u 18%” for us? :slightly_smiling_face:
Best, Cecilie


Hi team

I can see that the material Letklinker, ekspanderet ler, nødder from BR18 Bilag 2 Tabel 7 is missing from the library

The EPD from Ökobau only includes A1-A3, so the emissions for C3 should be taken from #G0785 Oparbejdning af byggeaffald according to Tabel 7.


Hi @MarkLabrosse

You should be able to find it now.

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I am suddenly missing Uniplan Estrich EPD previously called Slidlag. Would you add it again:

It would be nice to have UNIPLAN Thermolit properly added to the platform. It has been created for the A-version (two different densities) by someone from VIA but C3 is not declared in RT (it’s 0 in the EPD but if it’s not declared you’ll have to combine it with generic materials. Better to have it propperly defined in the calculation) :slight_smile: md-23109-da.pdf

@Inga / @martinromby It’s only accessible on the ABC organization (the creator) not sure if you can change it to public or just re-add it as a Gaiup EPD.
//Cecilie (ABC)

Hi Cecilie

I’ve added the EPD to our library. :slightly_smiling_face:
