Missing ability to duplicate constructions/materials

I want to duplicate or edit constructions or materials.
F.ex. I decided to change insulation product in a construction. Right now I would need to create a new construction with all layers and new insulation product. Then apply new construction to all project constructions. Very time consuming.

Hey Julian,

I’ll pass on your request to the development team to make it easier to copy or change constructions and materials. It’s a smart idea that could save a lot of time for everyone using the platform.

If you have any other thoughts on how we can improve, feel free to share! :seedling:

Best Regards,

Can we have an expected date for this feature to be released?

Hi Julian,

We don’t have an exact release date yet, but we’ll keep you updated as soon as we have more information. :pray:

Thank you for being patience.

Best regards,

Hi Julian

This has become the most asked for feature in recent weeks - we will be working on this in the next sprint - i.e. a release in June.


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